Vetted Instructors.
Real World Experience.
Prevent Training Solutions understands the vital role that instructors play into the creation of a successful learning environment.
This begins with utilizing instructors that are students of their craft. Subject Matter Experts. Leaders that are driven by passion for their job and making others better.
Every instructor is vetted, interviewed, and brought through an internal training process to ensure that your money and brain-power is well spent.

Committed to redefining what training means.
Change isn't always a bad thing. We understand that.
As Public Safety Professionals in a constantly evolving world, we have to remain sharp and in-front of the curve. PREPARED. Not REACTIVE.
We are focused and dedicated to changing the stigma that 'change is bad.'

In a world with less than ideal staffing, your best assets might be the person standing next to you.
We have a 'One Team' approach and believe that there needs to be a standard of training across all disciplines that will allow us to do more with less.
Public. Private. Local Government. Military. You.

We are committed to staying on the forefront of technology and employing seamless integration in the classroom.
From Visuals, furniture and acoustics to the sound system.
We have partnered with some of the Nations leaders in AV and Immersion Environments to capture a true learning environment of 2023 and beyond.
Our Emergency Operations Center (EOC) build out will allow for realistic training for a multitude of disciplines including: Dispatchers, Camera & AI Operators, and EMD, Fire / EMS / LAW. Having the ability to capture real time data, radio traffic, and visceral simulations is one example of how we take training to the next level.